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What is The 917 Society?

The 917 Society is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization passionate about encouraging young people to know the rights given to them by the U.S. Constitution as citizens.  As a not-for-profit organization with tax-exempt status, we do not align with, endorse, or support any particular political candidate, organization, party, or platform.  We support our Constitution and the democratic process and encourage civic engagement. Any accolades made in favor of the 917 Society are not solicited politically.

Our organization is made up of people who care about our country.   Our mission is to provide a lasting, durable pocket Constitution for every 8th grader in the United States free of charge in honor of September 17th - Constitution Day.  


We, the people of The 917 Society, realize how vital it is to help our young people understand their rights and find their voice in the freedom the Constitution has given all Americans. We don’t receive federal or state funds and rely on concerned citizens like you to contribute to offering this program to our teachers and students free of charge.


We also offer a program to celebrate Constitution Day each September 17th FREE to our teachers and students, also funded by donations.  


Join the 917 Society and help place a copy of the U.S. Constitution in the hands of our next generation. Spark a fire so they know their rights, voice, and Constitution. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE BY GETTING INVOLVED. Donate by sponsoring a classroom or volunteer (you or your organization) to deliver Constitutions to 8th-grade classrooms in your area or both.


We welcome all who love our country and our Constitution to join this movement because we must all work together to preserve what makes our country great.

What is the 917 Society
We have Consistently earned the GuideStar Seal of Transparency.

Is The 917 Society a Grassroots Organization?

Our Story

Get to Know Us

Our Mission

The United States Constitution is the bedrock upon which our nation was built, and it sets us apart from every other nation on earth. And yet our children are often not educated on these important principles! The 917 Society aims to combat this growing problem by reviving Constitution Day throughout the nation.


The 917 Society is a group of nonpartisan volunteers dedicated to preserving our Constitution and fostering a love for our country among our youth.  We work with 8th-grade classes nationwide, providing classroom materials and personal copies of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to each student as they celebrate Constitution Day (917). Students are further engaged through essay contests on their love for America and other lasting activities.  We hope these young children will carry their copy of the Constitution close and use it as a guidebook to good citizenship.


The 917 Society began as a grassroots organization that relies solely on volunteers and private funding. Last year, the 917 Society reached over a million students.  Our goal to expand our impact to all 8th-grade students can be realized with the help of people like you! Please help us preserve democracy and join us in the fight for the future.

Our Mission

Our 2025 Mission

Thanks to the generosity of our donors and volunteers, The 917 Society successfully reached a million 8th graders across all 50 states in 2024. We believe that the time is NOW for The 917 Society to expand its outreach and impact.  Our goal is to double the number of students reached for 2024 – and to continue to grow until we can reach every single 8th  grade student in the country.  This includes students from public, private, and homeschool.


2025 promises to be a year of growth and further impact.  We need you to help!  Please join us in the fight for the future of America.

Our 2025 Mission
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