Hold a Constitution Day Celebration in Your Community
Now is the time to plan how you and your loved ones want to celebrate the start of the week dedicated to honoring our Founding Document. We offer some recommendations, and you can also check the resources below for cover letters and Resolutions to aid in your planning.
The following are a few ideas that you might use to get you started.
You can make it funny and simple such as hot dogs and ice cream in a local park or community Center.
Prepare and/or read a Resolution commemorating the day.
You can also had out pocket Constitutions to attendees. For a Donation, you can order Constitutions here.
Locate and participate in a Bells Across America celebration
Organize . . .
Block parties
A group to ring bells for 1 minute at 4:00 EDT to herald the beginning of Constitution Week
Decorating yards and neighborhood with Patriotism
Community wide reading of the Preamble of the Constitution
Check our Resources for Resolutions to create awareness in your:
American Legion
Resolutions and Informational Cover Letters
Click on the link to download the documents.