Joni Hargrove

Executive Board/Community Advisory/Campaign Board Chair
Joni serves as the Community Advisory Board Chair for The 917 Society and is actively working to help raise awareness and membership for the organization.
Joni is a graduate of Austin Peay State University and recently retired from Austin Peay after 29+ years of service. Joni is politically active throughout the District and is Co-Chairman of the HCRP. She is a member of several organizations, such as the Tennessee Firearms Association, TRA, TFRW, Ambassador to the Beacon Center, Red River Women, MCRW, Rural Tennessee Speaks and others.
Joni is very passionate about building a better tomorrow for our children and understands the importance of educating our youth with the principles in our Constitution.
Joni is married to William Edward Hargrove and they live in Houston County with son, Taylor Lindsey. She is the daughter of the late John (Rip) and Betty Schmidt, also of Houston County. Joni is a member of Elk Creek Baptist Church in Stewart County, TN.