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Writer's pictureEthan Justice

Media Dishonesty IS Election Interference

In an era when every headline shapes public opinion and each news story has the potential to sway voters, it’s no exaggeration to say that media dishonesty is a form of election interference. When news outlets abandon objective reporting in favor of partisan narratives, they are engaging in an act of manipulation that undermines the very foundation of our democratic process: informed consent of the governed.

The Role of a Free Press

The Founding Fathers understood the importance of a free and honest press. James Madison, the chief architect of the Constitution, famously said, "A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people." The role of the media is to inform citizens so they can make decisions in the voting booth that reflect their true values and understanding of the issues. However, when the media distorts facts, hides critical information, or disproportionately covers stories that support one political perspective, it effectively tips the scales in favor of one candidate or party.

Selective Reporting and Bias by Omission

One of the most insidious forms of media dishonesty is bias by omission—where news outlets choose to ignore important stories that could negatively impact their preferred political side. Take, for example, the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story in the lead-up to the 2020 election. Major platforms and news organizations refused to report on a scandal that could have affected voters’ perceptions of Joe Biden’s candidacy.

A post-election survey by the Media Research Center found that 17% of Biden voters said they would have reconsidered their vote if they had known about the story.

By withholding vital information, the media prevents citizens from making fully informed decisions, effectively interfering in the election by shaping public perception.

Framing and Fake News

Dishonesty in media isn’t always about what’s left out. It’s also about how stories are framed. This tactic involves reporting on an issue but spinning it in a way that fits a particular narrative. Whether it's labeling parents concerned about school curricula as "domestic terrorists" or falsely framing peaceful protests as violent uprisings, the way media outlets present stories influences how the public perceives these events—and ultimately, how they vote.

Even worse is the proliferation of outright fake news. The famous Steele Dossier, which fueled years of false accusations against President Trump regarding Russia collusion, was later proven to be baseless. Yet, it dominated news coverage and was used to cast doubt on Trump’s legitimacy, impacting public trust in his administration and influencing elections at all levels.

However, this issue is not partisan and is reflected by the media pandering to viewers for profit instead of focusing on true journalistic integrity in reporting. Also, owners of these outlets influence the biased narrative that is displayed.

The Problem with Big Tech and Media Collusion

Media dishonesty doesn’t operate in a vacuum. In recent years, we’ve seen unprecedented collusion between mainstream media and Big Tech companies. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, which control much of the information flow to the public, have taken on a gatekeeping role by deciding what news is worthy of attention—and what can be censored. During the 2020 election, Twitter suspended the account of the New York Post after it reported on the Hunter Biden story, and Facebook limited its circulation. When the laptop story was proven to be tur, the damage had already been done.

Such actions represent a clear form of election interference, as they prevent voters from accessing critical information. This intersection of Big Tech and media power has created a dangerous dynamic in which a small group of elites controls the flow of information. It is essential that we acknowledge this form of media malpractice for what it is—an assault on the democratic process.

Conclusion: Protecting the Integrity of Our Elections

The media’s primary responsibility should be to inform the public with facts, not shape elections through selective reporting, biased framing, or outright censorship. When news outlets and tech platforms work together to suppress information, they are actively interfering in the democratic process. We, as citizens, must hold them accountable by demanding transparency, supporting independent journalism, and staying vigilant in our quest for truth. Research news stories by going to the original sources before trusting a news outlet.

At the end of the day, the health of our republic depends on an informed electorate—something the Constitution protects through the First Amendment. Media dishonesty is more than just poor journalism; it’s a threat to the free and fair elections that form the cornerstone of our Constitutional Republic.

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