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Tulsi Gabbard Exposes Democrats' True Priorities: Power Over People

In a recent appearance on Fox News, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard delivered a searing critique of the Democratic Party's current leadership, highlighting a concerning trend of prioritizing power over the needs of the American people. Gabbard, known for her candid and insightful commentary, shed light on what she describes as the Democrats' obsession with defeating Donald Trump at any cost, even if it means disregarding the rule of law and the Constitution.

Gabbard's remarks come at a time when some Democrats are openly questioning President Joe Biden's fitness for office. As Gabbard noted, Congressman Jared Golden of Maine expressed doubts about Biden's physical and mental capabilities, reflecting a growing unease within the party. This skepticism, Gabbard argues, reveals a deeper issue: the Democratic elite's disregard for genuine leadership and their focus on maintaining power.

During the interview, Gabbard highlighted a troubling reality: "What has become clear to the Democrats is they don’t care about Joe Biden. They don’t care about the interests of the American people and our country." Instead, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and influential voices within the party are singularly focused on attacking Donald Trump. Gabbard cited DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and TV host Bill Maher as examples of this tunnel vision, with Maher even stating he would vote for Biden's "brain in a jar" over Trump.

Gabbard's assessment is a stark reminder of the Democratic Party's priorities. "They see Donald Trump as the biggest threat to the power of the Democrat elite," she asserted. This relentless pursuit to defeat Trump, according to Gabbard, is a "big red flag" for all Americans. It suggests that the party is willing to go to extreme lengths, even bending the rule of law and ignoring the Constitution, to retain power.

The conversation also turned to Vice President Kamala Harris, with Gabbard questioning her preparedness to lead. Reflecting on their time as rivals in the 2020 Democratic primary, Gabbard did not mince words: "She is not prepared and is not capable of serving our country as Commander-in-Chief." This sentiment echoes broader concerns about the potential for Harris to ascend to the presidency, whether through Biden stepping down or not seeking re-election.

The implications of a Harris presidency, Gabbard warned, are significant. If either Biden or Harris were to lead the nation, it would mean that "unelected people behind the curtains" would continue to wield significant influence, perpetuating disastrous policies both at home and abroad. Gabbard pointed to the increasing threats of nuclear war and conflicts with nations like Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea as evidence of the current administration's failures.

Tulsi Gabbard's pointed critique serves as a clarion call for all Americans to scrutinize their leaders' actions and motivations. The 917 Society, dedicated to promoting a deeper understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the principles it embodies, believes that this scrutiny is essential for preserving the republic. Gabbard's message underscores the importance of holding our leaders accountable and ensuring they prioritize the well-being of the nation over partisan power struggles.

As we move closer to the 2024 election, Gabbard's insights remind us of the critical need for leadership that genuinely serves the American people. The 917 Society remains committed to educating and inspiring citizens to engage in civic life, uphold constitutional values, and advocate for leaders who embody integrity and commitment to the Constitution.


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