Society Members
Become a Society Member
How Can I Help
Every small deed you make takes us a step further in crafting and implementing our Constitutional education program to all middle schools in the United States.
Joining, becoming sponsors and donating to the 917 Society will make you a part of something great - giving access and encouraging young kids to learn and always remember their fundamental rights, creating decent, educated defenders of the American liberty.

Investing $25 to sponsor the constitutional education program of an eighth grade classroom.
Investing $250 to sponsor the constitutional education program of a middle school.

Investing $2,500 to sponsor the constitutional education program of all middle schools in your county

Investing $25,000 to sponsor the constitutional education program of all middle schools in your state.
The 917 Society Levels of Support
Regent Founder $25,000 +
Presidential Founder $10,000 - $24,999
Congressional Founder $ 5,000 - $ 9,999
Statesman Founder $ 2,500 - $ 4,999
Founders Club $ 1,000 - $ 2,499
Patriot Member $ 500 - $ 999
Valiant Member $ 250 - $ 499
Allegiant Member $ 100- $ 249
Society Member $ 1 - $ 99
Find the level below that fits your budget and click the Donate button on the Donation Level and click to choose to donate either yearly or monthly. We appreciate all donors for the continuous help and support given to us.
We are incredibly thankful to all who support The 917 Society's Mission. Without their effort and commitment, our mission would not be possible. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them and invite others to join us in our cause. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please reach out to us - we would love to have you onboard!
Donation Levels
Make A Donation
Help the 917 Society by donating today! All donations go directly to putting US Constitutions in the hands of school children.
By signing up for this membership, you'll be directly sponsoring a classroom, providing invaluable resources to help promote constitutional literacy and civic responsibility among the next generation of citizens. If you want to sponsor more classrooms, click the slider to the level that fits your budget.
Your monthly contribution will ensure that students have access to educational materials, such as pocket Constitutions, as well as engaging activities that foster an understanding of our nation's founding principles. As a Classroom Sponsor, you'll play a vital role in empowering students to become responsible, informed citizens, shaping the future of our democracy.
Thank you for your support and commitment to our mission!
We are incredibly thankful for any donations we receive. To donate, please select one of the Donor Levels above or click the General Donation button to choose the amount you would like to contribute.
All donations are tax-deductible, and every bit helps us make a difference. Thank you for your generosity!
Together, we can make a difference.
Patriot Donors ​
Patriot Members ($500-$999 Yearly) Diane Egan Gabrielle Hanson Mary Jobst Roger Poorman Ray Render Terri Shrum
Valiant Donors
Valiant Members ($250-$499 Yearly) Christine Apple Lori Bell Randy and Chris Dandurand Beth Gunter Finley Cheryl Godsey Representative Esther Helton Christine Kirk Brett Lashlee Joy McBride Judy & Ed McMahon Mary Orender Marissa Purkey Courtney Rogers Christina Rozelle Daniel Staggers Marie Tillman Robert Lee Williams
Allegiant Donors
Allegiant Members ($100-$249 Yearly) Kathy Adkisson Thomas Barrett Brian Bernacchia Barbara Bilbrey Dale Book Sherry Bouldin Bethany Bowman Marlis Boyce Robert Cherry Kim Chesser Jeanette Coke Dennis Coleman Deanne DeWitt William & Judith Donelson Gary Duffield Blake Duncan Marcy Galle Carl Garrett Cynthia George Wes Golden Margaret Goldsmith Richard Goulah Vincent Gray Cindy Greene Guernsey County Veterans Service Office George Harcau Karen Harrison Moms for Liberty Harford County Sheldon Hartsfield Christy Herston Taryn Hopey Ryan Keim Sharon Kloba Kristine Kordecki Patricia Kuebler Carrie Lanier Sandra Linderman Dan Maggipinto Jan Massengill Bree Moeggenberg Kimberlee Moore Brenda Morris David Mruk Kevin Newkirk Michelle Nolan Patricia Pagnotto Jami Potestio Shawn and Tammy Purkey Gwynne Queener Preston Roberts Yvette Salva David Seals Valerie Sewell Kimberly Shettler Vicky Shoupe Jennifer Sneed-Smith John M. Smith Jim Stirn Gary Talboy Justin Thatkamkulam Marie Maples Thomas Martha Thomas Susan Thornsberry Carolyn Tidwell Shenan Tucker John Turner Kimberly Turner Cynthia Vaughn Mary Vigkiotti Galen Walker Judith M. Weber Judith Willis Rick Young- Amvets Post 2540-NM
917 Society Donors
Yearly Society Members ($1-$99 Yearly) Desiree Accetturo Karen Alston Donna Arnold Kim Landry-Ayres Delinda Bailey Leticia Beam Louise Benson Raymond Bergeron Lisa Bible Jane & Danny Blevins Dana Bliss Leslie Bloom Antwane Bohanon Patsy Booer Pamela Brasher Peggy Bringhurst Keith Broaders Clifton Bunch Deanna Burrow Levi Byler Royce Chapman Michelle Chavez Deborah Cook Carolina Coulotte-Doudna Shyrl Courtright Mary Daak Walter Deery Gary Duffield Blake Duncan Lan Duong Mary English Linda Forster Johnnie Frederick Carol Furnier Ariadna Puente-Gomez Frances Graham Frances Gray Joseph Grote Ray Hays Nicole Herschberger Jennie Holland Lois Hollywood Robert Horton Yvonne Hunter Ron Kees Pamela Kelley Lettie Kirk Marian Knight Brad Lindwurm Ronnie Lora Maria Jayne LoRicco David Luce Lelsie Luciani Brenda Lunn Dollie Macinnis Lisa MacKenzie Winston Marsh Jon Martin Jan Masingill Stephen McCoy Laurie McGee Linda McIntosh Melissa Miles Gordana Balk-Moller Robert Montemayor Montgomery County Republican Women, TN John Morrisey Fran Nehiley Christina Neill Erin Newman Sara Nichols Barbara O'Connell Kathy Pope Philana Pride Mary Quebbemann Randy Rhodes Phyllis Rhyne Maryrose Rinaudo Frank Schadrack James Schuler Valerie Sewell Shawn Smoak Michele Soland David Stake Selma Tepper Fred Thompson Rebecca Touchette Roxanna Trinka Sue Trygar Onofre Valdez Amey Vega Kevin Volk Jennifer Webb Deann Wells Patricia Wildrick Robin Yono Iris Yu